Mr DeBevere

had plans for a college

This is part of the brochure, asking for funds.


International People's College Trust


Dame Sybil Thorndike
Dr Beatrice Burtt, D.SC., F.B.B.A., M.B.N.A.
The Right Hon. Lord Holden
Mr. G. E. I. Clements, LL.B., A.C.I.S., F.C.I.L.
Rev. R. C. Sorensen, M.P.
Hon. Solicitor to the Trustees:
Ambrose E. Appelbe, M.A., LL.B.


Vice-Chairman: Dr Beatrice Burtt, D.SC., F.B.B.A., M.B.N.A. Mr. Hugh Schonfield

Hon. Treasurer:

Mr. E. Conrad, A.C.A.

Hon. Secretary:

Mr. E. A. DeBevere, B.A., LIC.PHIL.

Other Committee Members:

Mr. J. B. Annand,
M.A. Mr. E. Bourne
Mr. G. E. I. Clements LL.B., A.C.I.S., F.R.G.S.
Miss Stella Frank
The Hon. Mrs. Franklin
Mr. Peter Freeman, M.P.
Mr. James Avery Joyce LL.B., B.SC., F.R.G.S.
Mr. W. Y. Owen Mr. Mackenzie Usill
Mrs. Magda Yoors-Peeters

Advisory Council:

Dr. M. Barker Prof. Norman Bentwich
Mr. Harold Bing, M.A.
Prof. George Catlin
Mr. Herbert Lionel Elvin, M.A.
Miss Ann Essinger
The Rt. Hon. Lord Holden
Prof. J. G. Lauwerys Mr. John Parker, M.P.
Rev. R. W. Sorensen, M.P.
Dr. Olaf Stapledon

Principal of the College:

Mr. E. A. DeBevere, B.A., LIC.PHIL.