Begegnung europäischer Jugend
In Gegenwart von Mr. Keim verabschiedeten Herr Brenner und
Herr Würschinger von der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendaufbauwerk
die Englandfahrer am 31. August 1951 in Stuttgart.

Part of the Stuttgart Group at the start of their journey to England.
(From the left: D = Dorothea Braun, G = Günther Urbanzyk,
H = Gerd Hauch, B = Benjamin, E = Emmo, X = Rudi Kaselow).
This newspaper photograph from 1951
had been carefully saved for many years by Rudi Kaselow
and was presented to us in August 2007,
after his nephew found it in an old family photograph album.

The Students of the IPC

at the VAC camp in Godstone Green

in September 1951

The students of the International People's College in Godstone Green were:

The Stuttgart group arrived 1st September 1951:

Ilse Bethge, Dorothea Braun, Susanne Katerla-Cichos,

Pia Katerla-Cichos, Fanny Ullmann, Ursula Stalph,

and the boys:

Jumbo (Wolfgang Wauro), Emmo (Emil Frank),

Benjamin (Hartmut Glöckner), Gerd Hauch, Rudi Kaselow,

Axel Knauf, Kutschi (Heinz Kuczmirzyk), Herbert Lehmann,

Gerhard Ostkamp, Manfred Rost, Dieter Simon,

Helmut Schneider, and Günther Urbanzyk.

The Hannover group arrived three weeks later, on Sunday

23rd September 1951:

Anita Boettcher, Marianne Franz, Irene Glodeck,

Irmgard Itty, Margot Itty, Maria Knote, Else Kruck,

and Rudi Gutsch.