The Godstone

Message from Dieter in late August:
So, once again the time has come for all of us
friends to get together again.
Looking forward to seeing you all
at the White Hart Inn.

And so it came to pass that we all met on
Saturday the 23rd September 2006
in the ancient village of Godstone in the Surrey Hills
for the 2006 IPC Reunion.

The Godstone Group at the White Hart Inn.
Pictured from the left: Maria, Gerhard, Margot, Doreen,
Anita (in front), Dieter and Glyn.

Those taking part at our lunch and get-together

 Anita                                          Glyn                                      Margot
 Dieter                                       Doreen                                      Julie

Maria                                     Gerhard                                 Sylvia

2006 Godstone IPC Reunion Photographs

Ladies in waiting, for food

Four enjoying themselves


The Group at play

Musical chairs by Julie and Sylvia, our honorary photographers.

Comments from Dieter:
Once again we, the Godstone Friends, met
as we have done for many years for this year's anniversary,
and it was once again a glorious sunny day.
All those present were Anita, Dieter, Doreen, Gerhard,
Glyn, Julie, Margot, Maria and Sylvia.

We spent the time enjoying each other's company
in animated conversation and in particularly high spirits.
After all these years, we have got used to looking forward
to this yearly occasion.

May it go on so for many years to come.

End of the 2006 get-together.